11th annual meeting of SFNano – Lyon 23-25 November 2025

PhD position in chemistry / polymer-science /nano-science in Grenoble/Strasbourg

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To apply, please send a brief cover letter describing your research interests, your university grades, your CV, and one to two references or recommendation letters (pdf) to AndreasReisch (reisch@unistra.frand Xavier Le Guével (xavier.le-guevel@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr).

Infrared luminescent nanomolecular particles for single particle tracking

Starting October 2024 first at the Institute for Advanced Biosciences at Grenoble Alpes University and then in the Biomaterials & Bioengineering Laboratory at the University of Strasbourg, INSERM. The position will be supported for 3 years by a grant from the Agence National de Recherche.


3-year fixed-term contract

Luminescence and fluorescence have the potential to achieve fast and sensitive biosensing and bioimaging with resolutions down to single biomolecules, but they require powerful and specific probes. The proposed PhD position is part of a project to develop a new class of luminescent nanoprobes and apply them for 3D single particle tracking in the context of Fibrosis. The objective of this PhD thesis will be the development of atomically precise gold nanoclusters and their supramolecular modification using polymers to design biocompatible nanoparticles with very bright luminescence in the shortwave infrared window (1000-1700 nm) in order to monitor them in biological system at the single particle level.

Figure 1. Assembly of luminescent nanoparticles and their use in single particle tracking.


The PhD student will be part of a highly cooperative project including partners specialized in metalorganic chemistry, polymer science, and in vivo bioimaging. She/he will learn a variety of techniques ranging from polymer chemistry, to nanoparticle assembly, spectroscopy and bioimaging. The position is available starting from October 2024 first at the Institute for Advanced Biosciences a Grenoble Alpes University and then in the Biomaterials & Bioengineering Laboratory at the University of Strasbourg, INSERM. The position will be supported for 3 years by a grant from the Agence National de Recherche.


Candidates should have a master degree in polymer/organic chemistry, nanosciences, or materials science. We expect the candidates to have a strong background in polymer chemistry and/or organic chemistry, physical chemistry, and spectroscopy to be highly motivated to work on an interdisciplinary project at the frontiers of chemistry, nanoscience, and bioimaging.